Reset eXtplorer admin Password

** Generate new Password.
[root@testbed ~]# echo -n "yournewpassword" | md5sum
6afedb7a8348eb4ebdbe0c77ef92db4c -

** Replace old Password (line 11) with new generated password in .htusers.php file.
[root@testbed ~]# vi /var/www/html/extp/config/.htusers.php
	// ensure this file is being included by a parent file
	if( !defined( '_JEXEC' ) && !defined( '_VALID_MOS' ) ) die( 'Restricted access' );

7 Thoughts to “Reset eXtplorer admin Password”

  1. Fernando

    what do I do in order to a user that is connected, he can change his password?
    the problem is that the users usually need to change the password but theirselves in the application extplorer.
    Is it possible? I have tried many options but ir is impossible.
    Please, your help will be appreciated


  2. KavishD

    Thank you so much! This saved me a lot of work!!

  3. Daniele

    I’m trying to reset exTplorer password too, on a Thecus 4100Pro device
    Actually, I’m unable to find /var/www/html/extp/config/.htusers.php file
    I don’t have /var/www/html directory , “find” command is unable to find html or extp starting from /

    Any idea ?

    1. Gia

      Can you find an apache configuration file? After that found, find an exTplorer location from apache configuration.


  4. Hi
    I’m trying to reset exTplorer password too, on a Thecus 4100Pro device
    Actually, I’m unable to find /var/www/html/extp/config/.htusers.php file
    I don’t have /var/www/html directory , “find” command is unable to find html or extp starting from /

    Any idea ?

  5. Mark

    I understand the code, but what am I suppost to do with it?
    – Replace my entire .htusers.php with this?
    – just the 614….. code with 6afed…….. and use ‘yournewpassword’ as the new admin password (didn’t work).

    How am I suppost to use this?

    Grz Mark

    1. Gia

      Hi Mark,

      Just change 614f52a03a4bc8c7a95aa8b29ee436v3 with 6afedb7a8348eb4ebdbe0c77ef92db4c (minus dash symbol) / new password generated by md5sum, and after that refresh a Browser.

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